Welcome to The Gabriel Project 930!
An outreach focusing on four projects created
in memory of my son Gabriel, who struggled with chemical addiction.
Wondering why 930? Gabriel's birthday is 9/30.

Exploring the questions which most often press parents of addicts, Arlene Boehnlein-Rice shares hard earned wisdom and education on the signs and symptoms a parent needs to know to spot suspected drug abuse by their child, resources for finding support, practical approaches in dealing with your child, and encouragement to know you are not alone on this road.

Stay Clean Project

Stay Clean Project When asking the director of the sober house how we could help him with the sober house, he stated the men seeking recovery help needed a clean towel and personal men’s hygiene items...

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Hope Project

Hope Project The Hope Project is a faith based ministry outreach intended to encourage those dealing with the death of a loved one from chemical addiction to persevere in the faith.

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Break the Silence Project

Break the Silence Project The Breaking the Silence Project encourages families of addicts to seek help for themselves through group support systems, parent addiction coaching, online social media groups, and through monthly free phone telephone meetings...

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Intervene Project

Intervene Project Good Samaritan and Naloxone Laws encourage bystanders to become “Good Samaritans” by summoning emergency responders without fear of arrest or other negative legal consequences.

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