There is still hope on the broken road

BY IN Addiction Stories, Faith NO COMMENTS YET


A steady stream of people contact me almost daily, seeking solutions, seeking practical help, and hope for their adult children caught in the grips of substance use.

Being a parent who loves someone suffering in this state has been one of the most difficult roads I’ve ever walked. But also one of the most faith building experiences I’ve ever encountered. No matter the outcome, I had to asked myself some really tough questions. One being, could I still believe and trust God, even if my child died?

If you are walking this road of addiction with your adult child or a loved one, I hope you will take time to listen to the podcast as I speak with Dave Cooke, Founder of 100 Pedals, about the addiction journey with my son, Gabriel, and his death from an overdose.

There really is hope on this broken road.

Click here to listen: 100 Pedals Broadcast Interview

So, what do you think ?