Mourning the Loss of a Son: How to Support the Family of an Addict

BY IN Addiction Stories, How the Church Can Help, Supporting the Family of an Addict 6 COMMENTS , ,

But now, with the freshness of losing my son this past year, it seemed appropriate to finish the preliminary version. I have to admit, I always knew the day could come. The possibility of losing my child to a heroin overdose was a constant thought in my mind. I tried not to think about it,


Pastor confesses drug addiction and near loss of family

BY IN Addiction Stories NO COMMENTS YET , ,

This title and video story of a well-respected pastor who became addicted to opiates was posted on the blog site of Denny Burk. Dallas Newspaper reports that Rev. Skip Ryan was pastor of Park Cities Presbyterian Church. What is interesting about this pastor is he was also addicted to opiates: Percocet, hydrocodone, OxyContin—Ryan took them all while


Addiction Journal: The Guarantees of Addiction/Recovery

BY IN Dealing with the Addict 3 COMMENTS , , , , ,

Reposted from: Addiction Journal: The Guarantees of Addiction/Recovery The Guarantees of addiction/ recovery October 31, 2012 You are advised by other parents to not enable and to put your child out of your home if they are active in addiction. Their advice is intellectually sound, yet you feel it is unloving and cold. The advice goes


An Addict in Our Son’s Bedroom

BY IN Addiction Stories NO COMMENTS YET , , , , , ,

An Addict in Our Son’s Bedroom Enabling is a different from helping. This blog link is written by the parents of an addict. They give personal insight into how they set boundaries so as not to enable their son. Hope this helps you in understanding the difference between enabling and helping. Setting boundaries can be


Drinking Alcohol with a Baby in her Belly: Christ Removes the Veil

BY IN Addictions: Biblical Applications, Faith NO COMMENTS YET ,

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that He lavished on us with all wisdom and understanding. Ephesians 1: 7-8 Redemptive grace is a beautiful thing. When ministering to women drug addicts, God often uses their lives to display His redemptive grace at


Shedding the Enabler Label: Putting on the Label of Christ

BY IN Dealing with the Addict NO COMMENTS YET , , , , ,

Wearing the Label No one wants to wear the label of an enabler. Seriously.  Who wants to have this label plastered on the front of their chest? An enabler often is convinced he is helping his loved one in addiction, when, in reality,  he is enabling the addict. The two are distinctly different. Understanding the Label