The Breaking the Silence Project encourages families of addicts to seek help for themselves through group support systems, parent addiction coaching, online social media groups, and through monthly free phone telephone meetings.
Learn to Cope: A peer led support network for families dealing with addiction and recovery.
Learn to Cope is support organization that offers education, resources, peer support and hope for parents and family members coping with a loved one addicted to opioids or other drugs.
Learn to Cope members are people who loved their children deeply, yet still found their families damaged by addiction. Learn to Cope has chapters throughout Massachusetts that meet weekly and are constantly working on prevention and awareness efforts throughout their communities. Meetings feature guest speakers including professionals in the field of addiction who educate us as well as people who have been successful in long-term recovery who offer us hope.
Learn to Cope also has a free private online family discussion board forum where members can get confidential support 24/7. This website and forum were formed to support families and educate them on addiction and resources, as well as a place to go when feeling desperate or alone. With over 5,200 members and growing every day, this forum allows a safe places for people who have been there to communicate with one another. Our mission is to support with kindness, care, compassion and empathy. You are not alone in this and where there is life, there is hope.