The Addict’s Mom

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The Addict’s Mom

For two months now I have been a part of this fabulous resource for mothers of addicts called The Addict’s Mom.


The site was developed by a mother of an addict.  The focus is to offer an online support group for moms of addicts. With the intention to be a safe place for mothers to “share without shame” (plus many other support perks!).

The site has grown to almost 4000 moms!  Tragic!

But also a reprieve for those who are in much need of support and encouragement.

YAY to this courageous mother Barbara Theodosiou who, out of her own need, had a vision to reach out to other mothers.

Just like many of the mom’s I have met through her site, silence and shame seem common. For many many years I had kept silent about my own children’s struggle with addiction.


Because of the stigma of addiction.

Because I did not know how to help my child.

Because of denial.

Because I thought I could handle it alone.

Because of not knowing how to confront the issue.

Because I did not know how to intervene.

Because I have enabled and thought I was helping.

Because of shame and guilt.

Because of fear, fear of judgement by my family, friends, and church.

Because of feelings of overwhelming powerlessness.

“And because no one loves an addict” (Libby Cataldi, author of Staying Close).

The commonality of these reasons are prevalent among families of addicts. Even in the church.

As a proclaimed follower of Christ, I have come to embrace this trajectory in my life. To accept this path my feet are trudging, and to openly share my struggle with others. If only to point them to the One who offers true hope, and to also point families to practical help on their journey.

Being able to “share without shame” has allowed me to proclaim my faith in Christ to others who are experiencing the same struggle, has given me hope, and enabled me to persevere in the faith despite addictions in my family.

Yours can be on a journey of hope too.

A Journey of Hope Begins with a Place to “Share without Shame”


 Four years ago Barbara Theodosiou, a South Florida mother of four, found out that two of her sons were addicted to drugs. At a loss and not knowing where to turn, her life plunged into one of despair. She was living every mother’s worst nightmare and did not know where to turn.

Through her brokenness an idea was born: The Addict’s Mom. “Deep inside I knew I was not the only mom suffering. I knew there had to be other mothers who were going through the same emotional pain that I was. I wanted to create a place for mothers of addicts to have the freedom to share our pain without feeling the shame that often comes with having a child who is an addict.As the mother of two addicts, it took me four years to realize that I matter, that my life has purpose. I didn’t have to die inside because my sons were addicts. I am learning that I am important — to myself and other people in my life, including my husband and other children.”

United behind the credos of “Sharing without Shame” and “Together We Really Are Stronger,” thousands of mothers have joined The Addict’s Mom group fan pages on Facebook.

Recently, this new free membership site was launched, giving mothers support, valuable low cost resources to help their addicted children and a place to share with other mothers.

The Addict’s Mom helps create personal change and healing among the broken spirits of the addict’s moms.There has been dozens of testimonials from members saying how much the Addict’s Mom group has positively impacted their lives.

What are some of the reasons you have remained silent about a family member’s addiction?  What is your biggest struggle as you deal with an addicted loved one? How are you encouraged to find hope with your struggle?

So, what do you think ?